Friday, July 19, 2019

watch me nay nay

ngl, I am super disappointed in nay's Fox's Wedding, 'cuz it's just not nearly as cute as that A D O R B A B L E Z cover would suggest.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Maybe it's because my mp3 version of Turiya Sings is lo-fi to the point of being unlistenable but I'm thinking Divine Songs might be even better - it's more varied, and the tracks towards the end with the gospel influence are a better hybrid of Christian and Hindu music than Florian Fricke achieved with Hosianna Mantra (which would probably be a five star album if it wasn't for that dang guitar.)

And I never ever expected to hear synthesizers in this context without them turning the whole thing into the worst kind of treacly gloop, but she pulls it off, probably because they serve little melodic purpose and are basically just drones. And they're hecka analog. She may have the two best albums of the entire 80s, wow.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

charles wuorinen and aileen wuornos walk into a bar...

I'm so glad I waited until 2019 to listen to the first Lingua Ignota album because that just makes the first track even more elite and memorable, and it would already be one of the greatest album openers ever.

Is it weird that she reminds me of Naomi Elizabeth? Like, the evil version.

Monday, July 8, 2019

how fuckin milquetoast must you be

to think that black midi are "too experimental" or w/e?

first things first: their drummer is pretty dang great, they're the first popular rock band in decades to have a genuinely unique vocalist and even though people compare them to real try-hard, jerk bands I hate like (recent) Daughters and the Fall, they actually seem, like, nice and friendly - and I mean that as a huge compliment for a band working in a cluster of genres that attracts as many total assholes as anything noise rock-adjacent.

I'm probably alone in really digging Schlagenheim despite more or less hating their two previous singles and the KEXP show - I may revisit those, but it feels like there's a lot more subtlety and nuance and dynamics in the studio stuff than their vaunted live show - which is what one aims form, right?

Just wish I could fuckin remember where the riff from the last part of "western" was stolen from!