Wednesday, November 21, 2018

today in things I always say:

sufjan stevens' voice is still the mildest diarrhea imaginable - truly the gentlest of butt trickles

today in things I never thought I'd say:

pasture of muppets ain't that bad. hetfield hadn't started doing THAT THING with his voice yet and it's just silly but nowhere near as bad as they'd immediately get and stay. reasonably acceptable thrash, I'd say - sure it's overrated, but it's like Forever Changes overrated, not Illinois overrated. Ugh, I feel like I just got a t-shot saying that. Whatever, Slayer are still the only one of the Supposed Big Four who were ever worth shit.

e: cheezes, what was I thinking? Forever Changes is a million times better than MOP - what would the comparison be? Station to Station? Bitches Brew? Ugh, I've given enough thought to this MAN album.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

I was just about to say I think shook ones just clicked

I mean, all of the rest of it beyond "rock you in the face, stab yr brain with yr nosebone" but havoc's verse is such a let-down after prodigy. Eh, Havoc & Prodije are better, anyway, probably.