Thursday, February 21, 2019

turns out

that Richard Dawson has an album from 2005 that by his standards sounds like Ed Sheeran. And now you know the rest of the story.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

top three "doot doos" of all time ever, winter 2019 edition

1. Lavender Country - Come Out Singing
2. Des'ree - Life

that's it!

(Chic's "Everybody Dance" was disqualified on the technicality that it's a "doodoo DOODOO" rather than a "doot doo.")

top three greatest songs of all time ever, winter 2019 edition

1. Lipgloss Twins - Doodle
2. Baby Dee - Weakness for Roses
3. Sonny Sharrock - Portrait of Linda in Three Colors, All Black

that's it!

name a more iconic album opener than "Come Out Singing."

I'll wait.

Friday, February 15, 2019

nu atheist weird folk king Richard Dawkinson

though it was my most listened to album of 2017 during 2017, I always felt that, beyond being a textbook sell-out attempt (which worked), Richard Dawson's Peasant would lose even more of its lustre once I finally got around to really internalizing his back catalog. Well, I finally got around to internalizing his back catalog (and crying a lot in the process.) I really don't have much to say about it other than what I just said and pointing out "Prostitute" is the one track that packs anything like the same punch as a "Black Dog in the Sky" or "Nothing Important" and also pointing out that the choral bit on "Ogre" is EXCRUCIATINGLY overlong except that FUCK I KNOW THAT'S HIS STOCK IN TRADE BUT HIS LYRICS SOMEHOW GOT BETTER. This might be the album in the entire history of the English language that it is the most important that you keep Genius open. "Ogre" actually does become a kind of hysteric sequel to "Ghost of a Tree" when you read along, Arcade Fire crescendo and all. I really think he just fucking one-upped Joanna with this one, in terms of lyricism. Fuck, some of these texts would be modern poetic masterpieces entirely removed from their lodgings in sound. I don't think I've ever said that about any lyrics before ever. fuck.


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

ten years on...

that BLK JKS record is the most maddeningly frustrating and tantalizingly promising thing to ever exist maybe. About as good of an example of a band that could've powered Dyson spheres if the stars had aligned but what we got out of it is just kinda mostly crap. they hint so hard at a future transformation into a powerhouse but they seem neurotically uncomfortable at shedding their TVOTMVisms, which are painfully blatant. Maybe I'm just too enamored with the idea of African prog (Rick Wakeman dunnae count, fool!)

e: yeah, turns out these guys get terribleer and terribleer as the album goes on. just a waste.

*sigh* caravanserai is just future days with Guitar Hero soli, isn't it?

I... don't know how to feel about that.

e: heh, Cantana. Sancana. Eh. *deeper sigh*