Sunday, September 3, 2017

abstract pablum graduation

First Open Mike Eagle makes a decent album with the help of Paul White and now my old enemy Milo releases... something that at the very least is very well produced and also doesn't make me want to punch myself in the face. I guess I just needed to come to terms with the fact that he's pretty obviously smarter than me, or at least smart in ways and about things I don't understand and he's as allowed, and probably more so, to namedrop Godspeed as I am to namedrop Camp Lo and I dunno he just takes an unexpected turn for the mildly likable here and fuck me it does sound sweet.

I think Milo's music and that of his pals like Busdriver really make us (me) think about and examine how white people have these hypocritical standards for what we want in black person music: it's like y'know you listen to trap or DMX or whatever and you're all (I'm all) "ugh why don't they learn more than two dozen words, seven of which are just riffs on 'pimp'" and then y'know the Native Tongues come around and yr all (I'm all) "ugh this is so corny 5%ers are like black mormons but more annoying cuz mormons don't rap" then Milo comes along and namedrops Bukowski over a sample of "The Rite of Spring" and yr all (I'm all) "PRETENTIOUS! TOO WHITE! NONSENSE!" and it's just like "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM THEM?! WHAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY?! STOP MOVING THE GOALPOSTS" and it's like "buh nothing will make me happy I am a cracker I exist to make poc dance through fiery hoops without recompense or real recognition or reward"

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